Need Handmade Christmas Card Ideas? I Stopped Counting at 75!

Do you need handmade Christmas card ideas? You'll find a lot right here! See that little magnifying glass in the upper right corner? Just click on that and enter what you're searching for. In this case I entered “Christmas” and came up with a lot of ideas — I stopped counting at 75! A couple years ago I lost YEARS of my blog, or believe me there would be a TON more!

Most Sundays I have what I call Christmas Card Sunday, where we feature ideas for handmade Christmas cards. Check out how many ideas you'll get when you enter “Christmas Card Sunday” in the Search box. Here are just a few examples of what you'll find in your search. Click on a photo below to be taken to the page:

Handmade Christmas Card Ideas -
Christmas Card Ideas - Lovely as a Tree -
Handmade Christmas Card Designs -
Funny Christmas Card Designs -

And be sure to stop back often to see new ideas for homemade Christmas card designs.

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