Make a Card for a Friend; Friendship Cards

Make a Card for a Friend -

If you want to make a card for a friend, the retired stamp set Time Well Spent is a great option. With open line images, you'll have lots of fun coloring them in. From bright and bold shades to more subtle hues, any colors will work well with this set.

I pulled out some retired designer paper to use as a background, so I selected my color palette from that — Soft Suede and Blushing Bride. I love the combination! I used my Stampin' Blends to lay down the ink, but you could just as easily use your Stampin' Write Markers or Watercolor Pencils.

A tucked a bit of retired ribbon behind the card sentiment, and used my Paper Snips to cut out a larger flower after coloring it in.

You can pick up this retired stamp set to make a card for a friend on my Retired Rubber Stamps page. You'll find retired stamps, dies and framelits, and lots of other things there, too. Check it out!

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