Happy Anniversary to Me!

Happy AnniversaryToday marks my 15-year anniversary with Stampin' Up!  I can hardly believe it!  The company has changed and grown so much over that time, and I've met so many wonderfully creative people through my business.

I can't believe how much I've learned over the years.  If you live close, remind me to show you my book of patterns I and a group of fellow demos put together oh, so many years ago.  We've come a long way, baby!  LOL!

I'd love to celebrate with you, so I'm offering 15% off any order placed this weekend!

This offer is from me and not Stampin' Up!, so you'll need to contact me or call me at the number above to place your order and get your discount.  All orders must be placed no later than 5:00 p.m. Pacific Standard Time on Sunday, January 27, 2013.

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