Announcing a New Cardmaking Techniques Class

Card Making Techniques

NOTE:  This program has been incorporated and replaced by Papercrafts Toolbox.  Please visit us there!


Beginning in January I will be offering a new cardmaking techniques class on the third Saturday of each month.  You can join the Techniques Boutique at any time, but if you join from the beginning you won't miss a thing!

In each class you will receive instructions for two techniques.  These will be printed on a technique card, and in your first class you will receive a ring to add your technique cards to as you collect them.  You will also make two full-size greeting cards, one for each technique.

The cost of each class is $15, but if you sign up for the first quarter you will save $1 off each class.  Sign up with a friend for the quarter and you'll save another dollar!  If you live too far away I can mail them to you.

Space is limited, and payment reserves your spot. If you sign up and can't make the class, I will have your technique cards and full-size greeting cards available for you to pick up when it's convenient for you so you will have a complete collection. The class will go from 1:00 to 3:00, and the first class is January 19, 2013.

Reserve your spot now!

Techniques Boutique

Sign up for the quarter and save!

1st Quarter Techniques Boutique

Sign up for the quarter with a friend and save even more!

1st Quarter Techniques Boutique for 2

Live too far away to attend the class?
For an extra $6.00 I can mail the technique cards and hand stamped cards to you! (U.S. only)

MAILED Techniques Boutique

MAILED 1st Quarter Techniques Boutique

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